An Easy Method for Building a Sustainable Closet.
It wasn’t so long ago that I learned that threads from our yoga pants end up in sea snails all the way in the deep
Hello! I’m an NYC freelance writer particularly enamored with science, health and the ocean.
Hello! I’m a city dweller particularly enamored with science, health and the ocean.
I’ve gone through many phases of life with extensive experience in health, fitness and taking (un)necessary leaps. Consistently impressed by divers and regular sea dwellers though the years, I finally started scuba diving. I write about my experiences with understanding how to be more eco-friendly (especially as a big city resident), my travels, interest in science and, of course, the regular trials and tribulations of life.
It wasn’t so long ago that I learned that threads from our yoga pants end up in sea snails all the way in the deep
There is something raw and unsexy about sweltering heat with suffocating humidity, but I didn’t let the muggy air cloud what I have based this entire
Save for wondering whether or not I have a parasite from my treasured trip to the Colombian coast, I’m still floating in the memories of
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