In New York City where I live, Latinx Heritage Month brings many businesses to life, not the least of which is publishing. From September — October 15th the library arranges eye-catching displays of books by authors of Indigenous and Hispanic descent and book stores bring their Latino-penned stories to the forefront. Recently, as I was browsing children’s books and wondering when I will dust off my own book project, I came across a fun story about a Grandma who becomes entwined in octopus arms as she is making a Puerto Rican octopus stew. With text in both English and Spanish, I fell in love with it and wanted to know what other bilingual books are out there about marine-related animals or adventures by the sea. I found several, y por suerte, they all have storytimes available on YouTube which I thoroughly enjoyed with some (oat) milk and cookies. Snuggle up and choose from these 4 Bilingual Storytimes to Celebrate Latinx Heritage Month with Marine Animals here.